Cross Platform Tools To Revolutionize Mobile App Development

In the race to dominate the mobile applications market, Apple and Google have successfully managed to lead the market. The two companies offer a variety of mobile applications in their native app stores and provide several downloadable applications for consumers. The companies also have an extensive network of developer communities.

Other players in the industry like Windows Phone, BlackBerry and Bada are lagging behind as they do not enjoy a similar kind of network support. Developers experience limitations due to their dependence on native app stores for generating revenue and the weaknesses of their native platform. Many developer communities support cross platform application development, due to the prospect of receiving increased income from customers who are using the applications on various platforms.

Cross-platform tools (CPT) are developer tools set to revolutionize the mobile industry. They allow developers to create and distribute applications across platforms, facilitating code reuse. Hence, the code used in Android application development can be reused for iOS application development. Cross-platform tools can be used to develop applications across an array of platforms including mobile, desktops, tablets, and gaming consoles. Some advantages of using cross platform tools are outlined below.

Provides Level-Playing Field For Developers

Cross platform tools are invaluable for developers as they democratize app development. Developers with knowledge of only one specific coding language like HTML, C++ or Java can efficiently create applications. Developers need not worry about their skill levels while developing applications. The tools allow developers of various skill levels, ranging from visual designers to hard-core developers to create applications. Further, cross platform tools allow developers from all backgrounds to create applications. An example of this type of tool is the Appcelerator Titanium that enables app deployment across platforms like the iOS, Android, Mac OS X, Windows and Linux systems.

Cost-Saving Advantage

Cross platform tools reduce the costs involved in developing individual applications for various platforms. The tools allow developers to create a single code which can be used across multiple platforms, reducing the cost of deployment for each platform. Further, the tools allow software companies to reduce support costs for the application in each platform. The tools allows a company to share the codebases needed to develop applications for various platforms, eliminating the need for individual teams of developers.

Improved Time To Market

The changing landscape in mobile technology has prompted the need for companies to efficiently plan the timely release of a new or improved application. Cross platform tools are useful for companies who are looking to reach out to a wide customer base in the fastest possible time. Cross platform tools allow companies to market the application across several app stores simultaneously, allowing better market penetration for a unique mobile application.


We can see how cross platform tools are set to revolutionize the mobile application development space. Cross platform tools offer many benefits like providing a level-playing field for developers, cost-saving advantage and improved time to market for application development companies. 


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